any investment, there are always three options: do nothing, shrink (or
close) the position, or add to the position. I'm not adding, which
leaves doing nothing and closing. I have 150 shares, which earned me about
1500 in dividend payments since I bought them. However, the share price declined sharply,
leaving me with a net loss of about $700. TAL pays me $270
per year at the newly lowered dividend. Let's look at my options.
I hold on to the stock, it'll get converted 1 for 1 to the new
company's stock. There's a one-time special dividend payment of $0.54
per share, or about $81. The new company pays the same dividend as TAL
does now, $1.80 per share, which means $270 per year for me. It's
unclear of course, how the new company will perform, what their dividend (growth) strategy is etc. Restructuring will take a year, and no one knows what
the numbers will look like in a year. A share buy back is announced,
which can help boost the EPS, but it's better if real earnings drive
this of course.
I sell now, I realize my loss, and put the roughly 2900 dollars in
another stock that's highly rated on my screener, or that fits in my
goal of building up my existing positions when the price is right. For
example HCP would pay around $200, JNJ would pay $87, and CAT would pay
around $130. None of them close to what TAL or the new company pays, but
in return for lower payout, I get more certainty. That's how high yield
works, you pay for it with higher risk.
what to do ? A stock with no div track record would normally not be in
my portfolio. Should I sell it now, and move on ? Or wait, grab the
special div, and see how the new company fares ? What would you do ?
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